The World Viewing Room

Face Your Fear humpday readings Aug 31, 2022

Yesterday I received a new Oracle deck from Hay House, Animal Apothecary by Cara Elizabeth. Today, I played with it a little before drawing from the deck I had planned for our Humpday Reading.

When I picked up the deck, its vibration shot through me. Cara must have transmitted a supercharged...

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Wielding the Magician’s Sword group readings Aug 28, 2022

Today’s card is The Magician’s Sword from Shaman's Dream Oracle deck by Alberto Villoldo & Colette Baron-Reid.

However, the meditation below is a divine download I received while I was in The Storm Portal. We'll do it together on our Zoom call, Sunday, September 4, 2022, @...

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Humpday Message: Unlock Your Magick humpday readings Aug 24, 2022

Today's Humpday message is to unlock your magick by releasing the old with bravery and honesty.

For this reading, I did a three-card spread with Kyle Gray's, Angels and Ancestors oracle deck.

Here's what the three cards represent.

  1. Strength: The strengths and gifts you have in this...
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A message from MARY MAGDALENE group readings seven storms book Aug 21, 2022

As I take August off to work on my book, today's Card is first and foremost one of love from Farris and me. In everything we do, you are never far from our minds.

Your message is from Kyle Gray’s Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards.
Teacher Awakens

Mary encourages...

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Humpday Reading, a message of Serenity hump day readings Aug 17, 2022

Today's Humpday Reading is from the Good Tarot deck, by Colette Baron-Reid. When I pulled this card, I knew it held today's entire message. Serenity.

Take a moment, get centered on the breath, and read the intention statement below the card picture out loud.


10 of Water


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Hump Day Reading , a message of Hope 8-10-2022 group readings hump day readings Aug 10, 2022

Hi Soul Gang, 

How do you start your day? 

Most days, I start in communion with the divine. If I feel out of balance, as I did this morning, I realign my chakras and tap. Once my energy is aligned, I call in the light of the divine, ask for protection, and open my heart fully. Releasing...

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Lion's Gate Portal Meditation 2022 astrology numerology seven storms book wisdom tools Aug 07, 2022

 Now is the time to amplify your manifesting power. The Lion's Gate Portal is the summer's most powerful astrological event. It happens during the Leo season and is a combination of ancient astrology, cosmology, and numerology—all channeling a very specific celestial alignment...

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What a Fortuitous Solstice Reading for June 21, 2022 group readings Jun 21, 2022

Wow, What a Fortuitous Solstice Reading for June 21, 2022. I asked and boy, did the Universe answer! 

My Question:
As we go through these crazy times, what is the most important thing we need to know?

In answer, I drew four cards: Ark of the Covenant, Summer/Winter solstice (I could hardly...

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2022 Universal Year 6 and Your Personal Year Number - Part 2 numerology Jan 31, 2022

Part 2:  The Energy at Play in Your Personal Year

by Cindy Kubica

In part 1, I talked about the energies at play in our current Six (6) Universal Year. Now it’s time to determine your Personal Year and what that means for you.

How to Calculate Your Personal Year


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2022 Universal Year 6 and Your Personal Year Number - Part 1 numerology Jan 27, 2022

by Cindy Kubica

As I began writing this post, it got longer and longer, so, I broke it down into two parts.

Part 1: The Energy at Play in a 6 Universal Year
Part 2: The Energy at Play in Your Personal Year


Part 1: The Energy at...

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ADVENT STARTS TODAY (Nov 28) holiday messages Nov 28, 2021
Celebrate it your way!
Most belief systems celebrate the four weeks of Advent as it leads up to the Winter Solstice and the coming of the light. (Advent means coming.) Light is a powerful healer. 
I decided to make my own version of an Advent Wreath and keep the...
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