The World Viewing Room

Lion's Gate Portal Meditation 2022 astrology numerology seven storms book wisdom tools Aug 07, 2022

 Now is the time to amplify your manifesting power. The Lion's Gate Portal is the summer's most powerful astrological event. It happens during the Leo season and is a combination of ancient astrology, cosmology, and numerology—all channeling a very specific celestial alignment...

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USE THE POWERFUL ENERGY OF 1010 & 1011 (Oct 10 & 11) wisdom tools Oct 10, 2021


In numerology, 1010 is a manifestation number. The number 1 represents creation and new beginnings. The number 0 is the Creator, God, Source, Universe, infinite power.  When these two numbers come together, it is a reminder to get in sync with what you want to...

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Wisdom Tool: Reflections, part 3 wisdom tools Sep 22, 2021

 This is part 3 of the Wisdom Tools: Reflections.

If you missed Reflections parts 1 & 2, go to our blog. On the right, click the keywords Wisdom Tools.

Whenever you see Wisdom Tool, it’s a process. So, get water, slip on something...

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Wisdom Tool: Reflections, part 2 seven storms book wisdom tools Sep 15, 2021

This is an interactive process.
Start with calming your body-mind by centering yourself on the breath.

  • On the first breath inhale clarity; on the exhale release confusion.
  • On the second, inhale acceptance; on the exhale release judgment.
  • On the third breath, inhale divine wisdom...
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Why are the WVR doors closed? Wisdom Tool: Reflections, Part 1 seven storms book wisdom tools world viewing room Sep 09, 2021

One of the coolest things about The World Viewing Room (WVR) is that each time I go, there is something new and wonderous. Tools like the Clear & Calm Cylinder, the Crystal Resolute Desk, Prayer Wave, Kiddie Pool, Prisms, and Prism Healing Chamber. There are divine beings like the Archangels,...

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