The World Viewing Room

A New Ending to an Old Vision seven storms book world viewing room Sep 30, 2021

This is not the blog post I was planning...
I was going to post what I wrote about Sam & Nate, the soldiers from the civil war who appeared to me in a vision. I’ll post that another day.

Why the change?

Well, during my morning meditation, I was taken back to the first vision I ever had...

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Why are the WVR doors closed? Wisdom Tool: Reflections, Part 1 seven storms book wisdom tools world viewing room Sep 09, 2021

One of the coolest things about The World Viewing Room (WVR) is that each time I go, there is something new and wonderous. Tools like the Clear & Calm Cylinder, the Crystal Resolute Desk, Prayer Wave, Kiddie Pool, Prisms, and Prism Healing Chamber. There are divine beings like the Archangels,...

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